WWTP Operator Professional Standard

Water Treatment Plant Companies

Posted by yuhueuchre on August 10, 2021

WWTP Operator Professional Standard

WWTP Operator Professional Standards are the understanding and duties of the WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant) or WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant) operator profession.


Definition of WWTP

WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant) for its scope in Indonesia is also called by the popular term, namely IPAL (Wastewater Treatment Plant).

According to the KBBI, installation means a set of technical equipment and its equipment that is installed in position and ready to be used. Examples are: generators, diesel engines, factory buildings, and so on.

KBBI is the Big Indonesian Dictionary, an official standard on grammar and terms in Indonesia.

So, WWTP is an installation designed to remove biological and chemical waste from water, so that the water can be used for daily needs or activities.

WWTP function

There are many functions of WWTP, here it is divided into 2 categories of functions, namely:

General: urban wastewater treatment, such as: disposing of human waste and other household waste

Industry: industrial wastewater treatment, such as: treatment of liquid waste from an industry or commercial, such as factories, manufacturing, mining.

Understanding WWTP Operators

The meaning of operator according to KBBI is a person in charge of maintaining, serving, and operating an equipment, machine, telephone, radio, and so on.

So, a WWTP operator is a person in charge of maintaining, serving, and running a WWTP installation according to the location where he is assigned.

WWTP Operator Duties

An operator of a WWTP or wastewater treatment plant has many tasks, which are tailored to the function of the WWTP itself.

Some WWTP operators have tasks that are closely related to the efficient operation of installations, such as:

Standard waste disposal

An operator has the responsibility to dispose of waste that meets the standards or requirements specified for the installation.

By doing this, an operator has established a good working relationship with parties such as:

  • Policy maker
  • Recreational or water tourism manager
  • Water users
  • People who are near the installation site
  • Installation Maintenance
  • Another duty of an operator is for the maintenance of the installation.

A good maintenance program is mandatory in order to maintain the successful operation of the installation.

The maintenance program that is considered successful is the ability to maintain all mechanical equipment to care for the installation environment, buildings, and structures.

General Duties of WWTP Operators

Here are some examples of tasks from a WWTP operator for work related to waste water:

  • Controlling the condition of waste water according to the established quality standard
  • Checking the quality of wastewater
  • Operate and ensure the WTP or WWTP system runs properly
  • Keeping the WTP/WWTP system running well
  • WTP/WWTP water analysis

WWTP Operator General Qualifications

In the employee recruitment process by the company to get a reliable WWTP operator, several requirements are usually required.

The following are examples of some of these general requirements:

It should be noted that those who want to enter the WWTP Operator profession should pay attention to the following factors:


In general, the maximum age required for WWTP processing companies is 35 years with a minimum of 1 year experience in the same job.

Unless the managerial level is possible, the minimum age will be much higher than the operator's age specification.


In terms of education, they are usually asked to have a minimum qualification of D3 or S1 majoring in Chemical Engineering, although there are also some companies that require a minimum of high school or vocational school.

Usually, high school graduates are prioritized from majoring in science and from vocational high school graduates, chemistry majors are preferred.


Candidates who have experience in waste management in industry are usually in great demand by industrial companies.

The suggestion from standarku.com is that when the reader has just graduated and has received a WWTP operator job offer, it should be accepted.

Even if the first company has a lower salary than the others, or the facilities are lacking or the name is not popular, it can at least be a work experience.

Work experience is very important because the majority of companies consider that someone with experience must be able to work independently.

WWTP Operator Certification

Competency Certification

Environmental Competency Certification or Environmental Personnel Competency Certification is a series of certificate issuance activities.

The certificate is a form of official acknowledgment of the competence of personnel from a competency certification agency appointed by the State Minister for the Environment.

Certificates are given to environmental personnel (individuals) who meet the competency standards of environmental personnel.

Environmental personnel are people or groups of people who perform tasks or work in the field of environmental management, including:

  • preparation of amdal documents
  • retrofit and recycle technique in refrigeration system
  • sampling
  • emission check technician
  • environmental parameter testing laboratory analysis
  • greenhouse gas validation/verification
  • environmental audit
  • pollution control management
  • Meanwhile, the competency standard for environmental personnel is a measure or criterion that contains a formulation regarding the capabilities of environmental personnel.

These abilities are based on knowledge, skills and supported by attitudes and their application in the workplace that refers to performance in accordance with standards.

EPCM Certification

An example of a certificate that demonstrates the competence of a WWTP manager is the EPCM (Environmental Pollution Control Manager).

An EPCM certificate is proof that someone has passed the EPCM or MPPA (Water Pollution Control Manager) training.